GAIA PRANA is a Corporate Consulting company focused on (i) Corporate Governance – providing objective recommendations, aligning interests with the purpose of preserving and optimizing the organization’s long-term economic value, facilitating its access to resources and contributing to the quality of the organization’s management, its longevity and the common good – and (ii) Definition and execution of strategic and tactical plans, planning converted into results, with technical consistency and sustainability.
Senior executive with extensive experience in Corporate Management (Planning Strategically and Tactically and its Execution), Corporate Governance. Operational Excellence, using the Lean Six Sigma Program as its backbone. Information Technology Management and Human and Organizational Development.
Development and implementation of the fundamental pillars of Corporate Governance considering the principles: transparency, equity, and corporate accountability. This creates an environment of trust both internally and in relationships with third parties.
To ensure the proper implementation of best practices while strictly adhering to the principles set out above, it is essential to have in place a process that provides adequate organization with the purpose of having orchestrated interaction of the fundamental elements of Corporate Governance: Board of Directors, Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.
Specific committees that carry out various advisory activities for the Board of Directors in their respective fields of competence and prepare proposals for the board. The main committees that are usually created are: strategy and finance; operations; risks; people; sustainability and auditing.
GAIA PRANA has ETHICS as a core value in all aspects of our business. We want our clients to have a comprehensive and integrated view of the best management practices aimed at building sustainable results. Toward this end, we adopt the following approach:
Earning the trust of customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and communities through clear communication, honoring the commitments made;
Developing the pursuit of business excellence valuing people, developing a culture that favors an environment where everyone is proud and satisfied to be expanding their skills to achieve high performance, and mutually beneficial relationships with a focus on creating value for all parties.
Focusing in a sincere manner on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, ESG.
Gaia Prana’s Management Execution business services focus on the main challenges of its clients. Definition and execution of your clients’ strategy and tactics. This is done on a technical basis and a practical approach. Our approach ensures a comprehensive and integrated view of best management practices. Above all, aimed at building sustainable results. This is done as per the following post.
Mapeamento da estratégia e definição das iniciativas que a viabilizarão bem como a definição dos respectivos indicadores de desempenho em todos os níveis que serão acompanhados em fóruns adequados.
Adequado uso da interação entre processos, pessoas e tecnologia da informação. É preciso que processos e métodos bem definidos orientem como, quando, quem e o que será feito em cada estágio. Uma empresa moderna deve contar com soluções de captura em tempo real, preparação e integração de dados. Porém, não basta ter tecnologia, é preciso acelerar e automatizar a cadeia de eventos da coleta até a análise.
Clareza na comunicação do desdobramento da estratégia.
Desenvolvimento e engajamento dos gestores para estarem em constante busca de resultados em linha com a estratégia definida. Desenvolvimento da assertividade e velocidade do processo de tomada de decisão.
Alinhamento dos processos e a organização da empresa de maneira a tê-la capacitada para tê-los devidamente executados por pessoas adequadamente capacitadas e lideradas focando o aumento de eficiência e entrega de resultados elevados, com previsibilidade e baixa variabilidade.
Celebração, reconhecimento da obtenção dos desafios desdobrados da estratégia e contínuo processo que proporciona o desenvolvimento do time.
In short, GAIA PRANA will consider itself successful when it assures its clients of: shareholders remunerated with a superior return on their investment; suppliers benefiting from an excellent commercial relationship and shareholders recognizing it as an organization that enhances profitability, environment and social responsibility.
Cell phone: (31) 98458-8267
Belo Horizonte/MG